Bible reading is an indispensable part of our relationship with God.  Our church journeys together throughout the year as we read selected passages of Scripture each day.
These readings will often coincide with what we’re studying in worship and/or Connection Groups. We encourage you to join us as we seek to know God and live according to His Word.



Would you pray five minutes a day for these five points?


Ask God to align our hearts with His heart and purpose as revealed in this Scripture: "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the
faith of the gospel." (Philippians 1:27, NIV)


Pray for unsaved members of your physical family and faithful witness by your church family.


Pray for the salvation or other needs of your neighbors.


Pray for God's continued work through the Cove House Homeless Shelter as they help people get on their feet financially and spiritually.


NORTHERN AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST. Marshall, 7, a son of missionaries, has already learned so much about other religions. He's seen the God of the Bible answer prayers. "I want my friends to follow Jesus," Marshall said. Pray that his faith will grow firm in Christ and that God will lead his friends to follow Jesus. Pray for missionary kids like Marshall who are serving with their parents worldwide.


February 2 - February 8

Pray for our teens participating in D-Now this weekend to have fun together and a genuine encounter with God.

2/02 • Sermon Reflection
2/03 • Genesis 19
2/04 • Genesis 20
2/05 • Genesis 21
2/06 • Genesis 22
2/07 • Matthew 5:13-16
2/08 • Review 

February 9 - February 15

As we celebrate Valentine's Day, ask God to strengthen marriages and bless homes through our church.

2/09 • Sermon Reflection
2/10 • Genesis 23
2/11 • Genesis 24
2/12 • Genesis 25
2/13 • Genesis 26
2/14 • Matthew 5:17-48
2/15 • Review 

February 16 - February 22

Pray God will direct each of us as we consider our So They Will Grow commitments and the He will
enable us to give cheerfully.

2/16 • Sermon Reflection
2/17 • Genesis 27
2/18 • Genesis 28
2/19 • Genesis 29
2/20 • Genesis 30
2/21 • Matthew 6:1-18
2/22 • Review 

February 23 - March 1

Pray that we would feel conviction of sin, repent, and replace sin with righteousness through the Holy Spirit.

2/23 • Sermon Reflection
2/24 • Genesis 31
2/25 • Genesis 32
2/26 • Genesis 33
2/27 • Genesis 34
2/28 • Matthew 6:19-34
3/01 • Review 

“My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me.”