Sunday evening classes for all ages. starts January 26, 2025 from 5:00-6:30pm.
You can register by clicking Here.

adults - rooted
10 weeks, $19 book
Learn seven rhythms of a disciple and build community with other believers.
More info here.

adults - Image of God
8 weeks, $20 book
A follow-up to Rooted that unveils the beautiful, biblical understanding of human life, dignity, and worth, and how to relate, love, and serve others.
Look at the book here.

Youth - God, Heroes, & Everyday dragons
10 weeks, No cost
Finding your story in God's. The journey is long and, in some places, scary. But He is with you. The only question that remains is: Will you join Him?
Look at the book here.
Look at the book here.

Child care is available for children in kindergarten and younger. Register your child when you sign-up using the link above or at the Welcome Desk in the Worship Center foyer.