You know who your neighbor is and you’re ready to get to know them a little better, but how do you start an intentional conversation and what do you say?

Planning for a Conversation
  • Pray, asking the Lord to give you an opportunity to have a conversation and that it be guided by Him.
  • Take a co-worker a beverage you see them drink and sit down for a few minutes to chat.
  • Take cookies or muffins to a neighbor and chat for a few minutes.
  • Invite a couple of neighbors to your house for dinner or dessert.
  • Help your neighbor when they are outside working. 
  • Send your child’s teacher/coach/club sponsor encouraging emails, chat with them at events, offer to help. 
  • Put a few chairs in your front yard and as neighbors come and go simply say “hello.”
  • Host a free lemonade/hot chocolate stand with your kids and chat with neighbors as they sip a drink. 

What Should I Say?
Ask God to guide your words and insight into what you hear.

Ask questions and listen well. If you’re focused on what you should say next, you’ll miss opportunities to follow up on good conversation.
Share honestly about yourself when asked.

Be aware of your neighbor. What’s in their yard, on their car, on their desk, what they wear and ask questions about what you see.

Questions you might ask:
  • What’s your name? (Make sure to remember it, put it in your phone or write it on the memo board)
  • What was the best thing that happened today?
  • What brought you to this area?
  • Tell me about your family?
  • Are you doing anything exciting this weekend?
  • What is your favorite local thing to do?
  • Ask your child’s teacher what they do for fun or what school they attended.
When you notice your neighbor seems to be finished with the conversation, be the one to say goodbye.